Bush is just the beginning...
In order to stem the tide of political stupidity, myself and my fellow citizens have stepped up to place ourselves in line to become the next leader of tomorrow - The President of the United States.
Get your position here
pilfered from Rae Ann
Get your position here
pilfered from Rae Ann
At 6:17 AM, December 09, 2005 , Rae Ann said...
Thanks for the link!
At 1:53 PM, December 10, 2005 , -G.D. said...
okie dokie...
you've got my vote....although I don't know why you would make such a good president. Sorry, but I'm STILL waiting for that most awesome "manifesto". :p
Me? No, way...I don't want my name associated with this group...no way.
At 8:48 AM, December 12, 2005 , Kathleen Callon said...
How's it goin'? Seems like your life's in transition? Hope you're OK.
At 10:06 AM, December 13, 2005 , Footprint said...
ISIS: It's not stop secret. It just takes a lot of thought. Here you go:
Vernon Bellecourt, Secretary of the Interior
James Cromwell, Secretary of State
William Sharp, Secretary of Treasury
Colin Powell, Secretary of Defense
Elliot Spitzer, Attorney General
Catherine Yronwode, Secretary of Agriculture
My Dad, Secretary of Labor
Bridget Montana, Secretary of Health and Human Services
Donald Trump, Secretary of Housing and Urban Development
The Flash, Secretary of Transportation
Solar Man, Secretary of Energy
Maynard James Keenan, Secretary of Education
Senator John McCain, Secretary of Veterans Affairs
Bernard Kerik, Secretary of Homeland Security
RAE ANN: I pilfer with honor.Heh.
G.D.: I am true honored that you would vote for little 'ol me. I would make a good president b/c I have common sense. I am a people person and I am from NY. The manifesto got derailed completely by you and I getting into a discussion about occupational anarchy. There were supposed to be mroe discussions but we got a little sidetracked as usual. Yes, I will take the blame for that as usual. Huh?? Associates with whom?? G.D.'s sisterhood, the Hyenas?? Please be vaguely specific. Thank you.
KC: Um...things are good. I have more self-development things forthcoming. It's going to be slow going, but what can you do. That's what time of year it is.
At 11:57 AM, December 13, 2005 , Kathleen Callon said...
Thanks for the recent comment and link. I didn't understand what you meant, but now I do. Try going to Google Images (not regular Google)and just type in "Iraqi Child" and you'll see the images I scrolled through.Peace.
At 2:02 PM, December 13, 2005 , crallspace said...
But if 4,000 + died and you became president, wouldn't you feel like the odds are against you?
At 8:22 AM, December 14, 2005 , Footprint said...
CRALLSPACE: No it's just 4000+ people who are no lonoger political rivals.
ISIS: Yes, he's done some cool things politically and some of his views I really aghrewe with. He seems committed to positive social change.
At 8:06 PM, December 14, 2005 , Ben said...
Greetings Footprint. Isis sent me. Your work is interesting and deep. Too deep for me, since I am shallow and have no soul and think the work "rad" is funny, and like to use the word verification text in a sentence, iyjay?
At 6:05 AM, December 15, 2005 , -G.D. said...
where do you find the time to do the research for comments like the one with the zillion links?
as always, a vast collection of "little-known" and "irrelevant-but-entertaining" facts.
At 8:25 AM, December 15, 2005 , Footprint said...
BEN: Thanks for stopping by. Lemme ask, do you still say, "NOT!!" a lot?? Your answer will determine your future acceptance into the disco league.
G.D.: As in life I stumble upon many minutia. It's a talent- HA!!
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